Some stress is normal and even helpful. It's how we handle it that matters.

The first step in managing stress is acknowledging it. Don't ignore the signs! These might include feeling overwhelmed, irritable, or having trouble sleeping.

Surprise! Some stress is actually good for you. It keeps us alert and motivated. The key is finding the right balance.

What sets off your stress alarm? Is it tight deadlines, difficult coworkers, or an overflowing inbox? Everyone has different triggers. Take time to identify yours. Keep a stress journal to spot patterns.

Your breath is a powerful tool against stress. Try this: Breathe in deeply for 4 counts, hold for 4, then exhale for 4. Repeat a few times. This simple technique can calm your mind and body.

A cluttered desk often means a cluttered mind. Start your day by organizing your tasks. Use a to-do list or a digital planner. Break big projects into smaller, manageable steps.

Exercise is a great stress-buster! It releases endorphins, which are natural mood-lifters. Take the stairs, stretch at your desk, or do a quick yoga session during lunch.