DMCA Notice

Through this DMCA Notice Aspect Ratio would like to clarify that the images used on our website may be sourced from the Internet and are considered open source for representation purposes. We understand that content and images found online are often in the public domain. However, we are committed to respecting the rights of individuals and firms and do not intend to violate or infringe on any rights.

If you are the sole rights holder of any image or material that appears on our website, please inform us so we can address your concerns promptly.

We strictly avoid any violation of copyright or ownership rights. If any individual or firm believes that Aspect Ratio is using their copyrighted or owned material without proper authorization or credit, please send us a written complaint, notice, or request to withdraw the image/content to [email protected].

Your complaint/notice/request must include:

  1. Your name and other valid details, along with a document proving you are the sole rights holder of the image, content, or other material in question.
  2. The exact location on our website where you first saw the content, along with visual proof or a URL link to the page.
  3. Specific details of the concerned image, content, or other material.
  4. A declaration addressed to Aspect Ratio confirming you are the rightful owner of the work used inappropriately by our company. This declaration will be used if the complaint is found to be fraudulent, misleading, or defamatory.
  5. If you are a second party writing on behalf of the original copyright holder, please attach a letter of authority and a physically or electronically signed declaration by the first party or the original copyright holder.

Please note that if any of the above details are incomplete or incorrectly filled out, your request may not be considered. In certain cases, this may result in legal action by Aspect Ratio against individuals or companies attempting to wrongfully frame us in a baseless case.

Once we receive a fully valid and verified complaint/notice/request, we will respond to the aggrieved party in writing (via the email address used to send the complaint) acknowledging receipt and providing a timeframe during which the issue will be appropriately addressed.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Aspect Ratio

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